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Register in One of Our Affiliated Colleges and Institutions.

TESOL Canada is a membership-based TESOL & ESL Standards Accreditation Organization. Training TESOL Trainers is through TCCT Diploma holders, Postgraduate Diploma graduates, and Master's or Ph.D. holders in Education.  ESL Teachers are certified using the Foundation or the Advanced TESOL Standards. Special Interest Groups SIGs are Teaching Academic English TAE, Business English TBE, Academic Subjects TAS, and Teaching English to Children TEC. All programs are available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.


TESOL Certificate Program

TESOL is the optimum certification program to Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages, specifically to Teenagers and Adults. Our affiliated institutes offer TESOL with their highest global standards. Potential employment are from teaching in Immigration Schools to coaching in Language Schools & Private Colleges Worldwide. TEC is the designated Children module of TESOL.

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TFSOL Certificate Program

Approved by TFSOL Québec, TFSOL Certificate known as DELFI (Diplôme d’enseignement de la langue française internationale), Teaching French to Speakers of Other Languages is particularly tailored for instructing Teenagers & Adults. TESOL Québec is the accredited member of TESOL Canada to offer TFSOL & TESOL standards in La Belle Province de Québec.

More about TFSOL

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TASOL Certificate Program

TASOL- Teaching Arabic to Speakers of Other Languages is applicable for daily Arabic commerce  and general communication. Teaching Arabic to Children “TAC” is the Arabic version of “TEC”. TASOL & TAC programs are trademarked and developed to serve the growing number of Arabic language learners & teachers in Canada, the U.S.A., Europe and the Middle East.

More about TASOL

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TEC, TBE, TAE Certificates

Teaching English to Children- TEC is a concentration to teach ESL to kids younger than 12. TBE is Teaching Business English with advanced corporate terminologies & TAE is Teaching Academic English using IELTS & TOEFL. TEC, TBE & TAE are specialty certificate programs available through TESOL Canada  affiliates.

Postgraduate TEC Certs.

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Postgraduate Certificates

Further certifications in CIT-Certified International Translation and Teaching Languages to Children are available in French TFC, in Spanish TSC, in Arabic TAC, and in Chinese TCC. TESOL Canada has trademarked TFC, TSC, TAC, TCC & CIT, and programs are readily accessible as Hybrid (Online & In-Class) progressive courses.

Postgraduate Certificates

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TCSOL & TSSOL Certificates

Besides the standard TESOL program, TFSOL (in French), TASOL (in Arabic), TCSOL (in Chinese), TSSOL (in Spanish), TJSOL (in Japanese), TKSOL (in Korean), TPSOL (in Persian), TISOL (in Italian), TPOSL (in Portuguese), TGSOL (in German), TRSOL (in Russian), and TTSOL (in Turkish) are similar study packages presented in global languages.


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