Postgraduate is Post-TESOL

Specializations for Certified Teachers

CIT- Certified International Translator

TESOL/CIT- Teacher Translator

TEC- Teaching English to Children

TAE- Teaching Academic English (IELTS & TOEFL)

TAS/STEM- Teaching Academic Subjects (Science, Technology, and Math)

EMI- English as a Medium of Instruction

Take Your Teaching Career to a Higher Altitude & Become a TESOL Specialist.
Get a Postgraduate Diploma From One of Our Accredited Colleges.


TEC Teaching English to Children

TEC Postgraduate Diploma is a six-month, 650-hour specialization program offered through a few of our accredited colleges. TEC– PGD includes twelve credits and covers cognitive and intellectual development of children concentrated on their language learning skills. It includes both theory and practicum. Theory program is entirely online while internships can take place in various schools worldwide or through online classes. Teaching languages to Children is a very rewarding yet challenging career. TEC Certificate is available as a 35-hour upgrade study to TESOL certified graduates.

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TFC Teaching French to Children

Approved by TFSOL Québec, TFC also known as EFE (L’Enseignement du français aux enfants), is a French language teaching certification to children. TFSOL & TESOL Québec are accredited members of TESOL Canada to offer TFC & TFSOL principles in Québec. TFC Postgraduate Diploma is a five-month, 650-hour specialization program offered through a few of our accredited colleges. Teaching languages to Children is a very rewarding yet challenging profession. TFC Certificate program is a 35-hour upgrading course designed for previously certified French teachers.

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Certified International Translator

Certified International Translation CIT Postgraduate Diploma Program is a 650-hour, 3-month study program conducted Online with 12 language options, available through a few of our accredited colleges.  CIT Certificate is an advanced 35-hour skill preparation courses accessible directly through TESOL Canada. One may study in 2 or 3 languages as needed. Designed to provide students with fundamentals of translation & interpretation CIT is theory & project based covering a broad range of Interpretation Skills, Official Documents, Interactive Media with News & Journals Translation.

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TAC, TBE & TC PGD Diplomas

TBE is Teaching Business English with advanced business terminologies. TAE is Teaching Academic English such as IELTS & TOEFL for college studies. TEC, TBE & TAE are each 35-hours in duration offered online as TESOL Upgrade Certificates. Teaching English To Children- TEC is also available as a Postgraduate Diploma through few of our accredited institutions as Hybrid with internships. 

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Postgraduate TAC, TCC & TSC

Additional Postgraduate Certificates are available in TSC Teaching Spanish to Children, TAC Teaching Arabic to Children & TCC Teaching Chinese to Children. TFC, TSC, TAC, TCC & CIT  are copyrights protected by TESOL Canada and along with TEC are offered as Postgraduate Diplomas or upgrading Certificates through our recognized institutions both Online & On-Campus.

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Teaching Academic Subjects TAS

To improve teaching skills of academic educators, TESOL Canada's TAS is specialized in teaching the “instruction skills.” To keep up with our ever-changing society, educators can learn the new methods of delivering skills, transferring knowledge, managing large classes, learning the online education, and keeping up with the technology and social media that has changed our world. TAS delivers the upgrades in methodologies & technology.

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Teach Academic Subjects TAS

“The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.”

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