Employers Posting Vacancies

  • Employers willing to list their available career positions through TESOL Canada are welcome to email their job postings.
  • For security protection, the online uploading is no longer available.

Please email us at   info@tesolcanada.org  or contact us through our Contact Page.

Teaching Vacancies in Canada & Abroad

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Teaching & Educational Administration Jobs in Canada

Hiring process should not discriminate on race, ethnicity, religion, age or being a native or non-native English speaker. All educators should be evaluated within the same criteria. Non-native English-speaking educators should not be singled out because of their native language. TESOL Canada strongly opposes discrimination against non-native English speakers in the field of English language teaching. Rather, English language proficiency, teaching experience, and professionalism should be assessed along on a continuum of professional preparation. All English language educators should be proficient in English regardless of their native languages, but English language proficiency should be viewed as only one criterion in evaluating a teacher’s professionalism. Teaching skills, teaching experience, and professional preparation should be given as much weight as language proficiency.
Job listings not agreeable with these terms will be removed & reported.
TESOL Canada